Internet Marketing
For anyone starting out in the network marketing internet business, learning how to get the word out about your home based business can be difficult. However in order for you to have any success you must have an effective marketing campaign. Keep reading and I'll share with you a great method of free advertising.
Although many of you probably already use Facebook as a way of keeping track of your friends and family, this can also become a powerful network marketing internet business tool. This is one of the most often overlooked resources for increasing web presence and driving site traffic.
Most of us prefer to keep our private lives separate from our business image. Sending all your new customers to your Facebook profile is not always a wise thing to do. It can also be frustrating to get hundreds of unrelated updates through Facebook from potential customers you have no personal relationship with.
While creating new Facebook accounts for your business may seem like a solution, Facebook has tight limitations on how many accounts any one can have. Facebook ads are a potential solution but can be costly and out of reach for most new small business owners.
Facebook Page
There is a way to take advantage of Facebook traffic without having to commingle your personal contacts. Creating a Facebook page is the perfect solution. Facebook pages are free and easy to set up.
Once you set up a Facebook page for your network marketing internet business, you can invite your friends, family and leads to become fans of that page. Facebook page fans' updates do not show up on your home page but your updates will show up on theirs.
By setting up a Facebook page, you can promote your blog by setting up feeds to the page. Also, you can easily promote your Facebook page on your blog.
Like anything else in the network marketing internet business, your results will be proportionate with your efforts. The more time you spend promoting your page, the more fans you can accumulate. Set aside a few minutes each day to your campaign and you'll get the results you are looking for.